Airport Consultative Committee
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Airport Consultative Committee

Meetings & Minutes:

June 2021 – Minutes

October 2021 – Minutes + Data Pack

February 2022 – Minutes + Data Pack

June 2022 – Minutes + Data Pack

December 2022 – Minutes + Data Pack

April 2023 – Minutes + Data Pack

October 2023 – Minutes + Data Pack

January 2024 – Minutes + Data Pack

June 2024 – Minutes + Data Pack

Next Meeting:

Tuesday 8th October at 6:00pm

(Lecture Theatre, Cherwell A Building)

(Agenda, Data Pack & Minutes from last meeting)




28th January 2025

3rd June 2025

There is an e-mail broadcast list relating to the Airport Consultative Committee we will use to send out notifications of the next meetings, the agenda for those, and minutes of the previous meetings.


We are happy to add (or remove) addressees from that list on request to

01865 290 710

Winter 2022 Update London Oxford Airport has had an Airport Consultative Committee for many years, as a forum for local communities to express their concerns and gain updates and feedback from the airport on its evolution and any development plans, be they immediate or longer term.  ACCs are a requirement generally for larger airports in the UK.


Historically the committee met three times a year and the intent is for one nominated representative from each local parish council (approx. 3+ mile radius), the county and district authorities, along with other key stakeholders on environmental or planning matters, to be represented.   Likewise, members of the airport management and some airport user representatives would be present to answer most queries that might be raised.     Details on the previous period’s activity levels, any notable trends or issues of concern and any anticipated future changes would be tabled, along with a summary of noise-related issues specifically.


Primarily due to the onset of the Covid pandemic, this forum was not activated for some time between late 2019 and June 2021.   There were also significant management personnel changes over the pandemic period and it was only by the summer of 2021 that the responsibilities relating to reinstatement of the Consultative Committee were reallocated.


Following that reinstatement, we are now holding the ACC meetings again three times a year and will publish minutes and data presented at meetings here and any other related documents promulgated at the time.


The Committee Constitution was last amended in April 2019.